Jamul-Dulzura Union School District Home
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GSDA - RFEP Student

OGMS - RFEP Students

JES - RFEP Students

OGMS Graduation

Sunrise Award - Eli Ontiveros

Sunrise Award - Dafnne Jaimes Figueroa

Oral Report

Nutrition Class

Oral Report on the Amazon Rainforest

OGMS Awards Ceremony

OGMS Camp Cuyamaca

CBO Eric Huynh visiting 1st grade

OGMS Students of the Month

JES Monster Math Class

Superintendent's Elementary School Focus Groups

Superintendent's Elementary School Focus Groups

JES Dance Show


Superintendent's Message
News & Announcements

Parent Teacher Conference Survey Data
Thank you to everyone who attended Parent Teacher Conferences last week AND who completed our survery. Attached are the results.

Commitment to Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Please read the attached update regarding our comprehensive review of our district’s response to emergency situations.

Coaching GRATUITO para Padres y Tutores
Padres, la suerte surge cuando la preparación se une a la oportunidad. Nuestro distrito ofrece sesiones de coaching GRATUITAS para fortalecer sus relaciones. Aprovechen este recurso creado por terapeutas para apoyarlos a ustedes y a sus seres queridos. Hagan clic aquí para registrarse: https://cookcenter.info/coaching

FREE Coaching for Parents and Guardians
Parents, luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. Our district is offering FREE coaching sessions to help strengthen your relationships. Take advantage of this resource created by therapists to support you and your loved ones. Click here to register: https://cookcenter.info/coaching

Serie de marzo sobre salud mental
Explora nuestros cursos GRATUITOS de salud mental, diseñados para apoyar a tu hijo. Consulta el calendario adjunto para ver las próximas oportunidades y da el primer paso para construir una base más sólida para su bienestar.